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There is a new book at Grigore: [[http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs259.snc1/10625_160751496074_617951074_4045828_3989926_n.jpg Book of Mage Robes]]. This case need to be investigate by tailors.
There is a new book at Grigore: [http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs259.snc1/10625_160751496074_617951074_4045828_3989926_n.jpg Book of Mage Robes]. This case need to be investigate by tailors.

Revision as of 03:37, 11 December 2010

There is a new book at Grigore: Book of Mage Robes. This case need to be investigate by tailors. -Nikodemus

I think it's been there a while now, though after the last client release. Pretty sure like some other books like the Santa Hat book that it may be a long time if ever that the book is actually put to use.

Really hate when books are added that are useless. Golden Star Mace, enchanted serps, santa hat...

Unfortunately books aren't included in the server update messages. :/ -Burn (Sep. 12, 2009)