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                                             (messages get not accepted)
                                             (messages get not accepted)
  '''pref profile line1'''                - Changes the first line of your mercator-biography
  '''pref profile line1'''                - Changes the first line of your mercator-biography
                                           Available are 5 lines
                                           Available are 9 lines
'''pref savemsg on'''                  - Makes Mercator to safe your tell Messages for later
'''pref savemsg off'''                  - Makes Mercator to delete your tell Messages after sending
'''pref invasion on'''                  - Mercator sends you an email if an Invasion happens
'''pref invasion off'''                - Mercator will not send you an email on Invasions
'''pref invasionpm on'''                - Mercator will pm you if there is an Invasion going on and you login
'''pref invasionpm off'''              - Mercator will stop pmming you about Invasions on login
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| style="width:40%;" |

Revision as of 17:23, 31 March 2018


Mercator is a trade bot which has been enhanced by VinoVeritas to provide additional information or communications functions, some of which used to be provided by Gossip bot.

For suggestions about Mercator's functions you can leave VinoVeritas a Message either via his bot or via PM.

Bot for Mercator also has a web interface, for info: web interface With it you can get without registering

  • Announcements (easiest way to get invasion info is /Mercator Announcement)
  • Invances
  • Special Days
  • Lottery Results
  • A Marketsearch of Bots and NPC'S

With Registering (simply send in Game the Command /Mercator pref password yoursecretpassword) you get extra Features

  • private Mercator Settings - Tell him what Services from him you want to use Automaticly
  • Messaging System - Send Messages to player when not online, or read them.
  • See which Players in your Watchlist are online or offline
  • Set up Group Messages - Generate lists of people that you want to send the same messages to.
  • extra Features for Game Moderators, Guild Members of K&M, and selected Site Administrators.
  • Some Extra Site only Features are comming.

Misc Commands

Note: Normal trade bot commands suppressed from list.
The Commands are sorted now in rubrics.

<text> needs to be replaced with your input all other bold words needs to be written after /mercator

Common Commands -- Commands that are for the help

help                     - Displays list of commands
help <command>           - Displays help for that command (exact syntax)
loc                      - Displays my location
info                     - Displays some information about me

Gossip Commands --Commands that are here for chatting between people

tell <player> <msg>      - Sends a message to player
ignore add <player>      - add player to your personal list from whom
                                 you do not want to get tell messages
ignore del <player>      - deletes player from your personal list from whom
                                 you do not want to get tell messages
ignore list              - shows you your personal list of people from whom
                                 you do not want to get tell messages
isonline <player>        - Displays if player is on-line and 
                                 if not when player was last on-line
instance <number>        - Provide number out of (60 80 100 110 120) range  
                                 lists people who can do the instances 
                                 that start with the said number
instance <start> <end>   - List of on-line people whose A+D/2 levels 
                                 inputs are start and end numbers
members on <guild>       - Shows the known members of guild who are on line
members all <guild>      - Shows the known members of a guild 
guildies                 - Shows people on line from your guild 
guildies add <player>    - Tells mercator that player now belongs to your guild  (Can be a list of playernames)
                                 (person walking by mercator has same effect)
guildies del <player>    - Tells mercator that player left your guild, (Can be a list of playernames)
                                 (person walking by mercator has same effect)
tellme add <player> <comment>- Tells mercator to notify you if player logs on or logs off (command adds a comment to the notify)
tellme del <player>      - Tells mercator not to notify you if player logs on or off
tellme list              - Lists all players and their on-line status
                                 that you have in your notify list
about me                 - Shows information mercator has collected over you 
about <player>           - Shows stats and on-line status of player.
admire <player>          - Send player an anonymous admire
announcement |news       - last 10 blue Server - or mod messages (news will work after next Bot update only
specialday               - Tell you when and what last specialday was
specialday <string>      - Tells you when last specialday which matches
                                 the written part of your String occurred.
lottery                  - Shows last El Lottery winner
treasure                 - Gives Information if the treasure was found.
pear                     - Gives Information if the pear was found.
invance <level>          - Level e.g 100-120 shows you last recorded 
                                 20 minutes Broadcast for Invance 100-120
skill <name> <min> <max> - Mercator sends a list of (on-line) players with min-max level in a skill.
                                 Where <name> stands for the first three letter of a skill such as:
                                 att, def, har, alc, mag, pot, sum, man, cra, eng, tai, ran
                                 <max> is an optional attribute.
myskill combat           - Returns your current combat level. You can use instead Combat any other game Skill
gtell <groupname> <message>-Sends tell messages to people you have set up in a Tellgroup
gtell add <groupname> <p1 p2> -Creates a tellgroup, p1,p2 repesents a space separated list of names that are in group
gtell del <groupname>     -Deletes a tellgroup
gtell list                -Schows you a list of your Tellgroups
inscalc <pn> <item1 item2>- pn= the divider, item1 item2 etc are numer char combinations space separated, the numbers will be  
                                  divided by the divider ex. /mercator inscalc 4  400 he 200pk will return 100 he 50 pk
bio (line1|...|line9) text - let you set your personal Biography shown in the about."
joker                      - give you 5 recorded Joker found messages
alt  <list> (name) | <add>name- lists alts from player name, or add alts under your current player
msg                        - lists tell messages send to you over the last 30 days
pricecheck |pc  <item>     - Gives you a the best bot buying and bot selling prices as a pricerange
marketsearch|mc <item>     - returns a short list of the bots that buy and sell the items (Top paying, cheapest selling bots)

Restricted Features -- Features that are not avaiable for all players

mods [all |(add name)|(del name)] - shows mods online only avaiable for you if mercator knows you as a game Moderator
botmsg [add (gm|ig | market) message (120 words)| list| del number (from list) - Let you send message restricted to selected Guild members

Moderator only commands

mods all          - List all mods and their online status
mods add <player> - Add a mod player to the mods list
mods del <player> - Deletes a mod player from the mod list

Note: unimplemented commands suppressed from list.

Preference settings with mercator

are controlled by pref command and you can see and set various preferences via sub-commands.

pref list                         - Tells you which preferences you can be set
pref instancelevel <number>       - Set your instancelevel to this number 
                                           in case you have privacy on (game or bot) 
                                           and want to be found for instances
pref privacy on                   - Turn off shouting your stats.
pref privacy off                  - Turn off shouting your stats.
pref Specialday on                - Turn on  sending Emails about specialdays to you
pref Specialday off               - Turn off sending Emails about specialdays to you
pref LoginGuildies on             - Turn on  showing your guild mates who are online
pref LoginGuildies off            - Turn off showing your guild mates who are online
pref tell on                      - Enables  message forwarding left for you in pm 
pref tell off                     - Disables message forwarding left for you in pm 
                                           (messages still get stored if off)
pref admire on                    - Enables telling you if someone admires you
pref admire off                   - Disables telling you if someone admires you
                                           (messages get not accepted)
pref profile line1                - Changes the first line of your mercator-biography
                                          Available are 9 lines
pref savemsg on                   - Makes Mercator to safe your tell Messages for later
pref savemsg off                  - Makes Mercator to delete your tell Messages after sending
pref invasion on                  - Mercator sends you an email if an Invasion happens
pref invasion off                 - Mercator will not send you an email on Invasions
pref invasionpm on                - Mercator will pm you if there is an Invasion going on and you login 
pref invasionpm off               - Mercator will stop pmming you about Invasions on login

How to access the Mercator Information Center

  • Create a password in game. PM mercator with pref password <password>
  • Use a different password from the one you use to log in for security reasons !
  • You get a message with: [PM from mercator: Your Password is set,]
  • Visit : http://mercator.holy-eternalland.de
  • You can now log in with your in-game-name as username and your password set in the PM above.
  • the username must be for now lower case, if written with upper case styles it will not work.
  • You have now access to your MessageBox, Settings and On-line, and Ignore Player List.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • How can I ask Mercator what my combat level is ?
/mercator myskill combat
  • How can I ask Mercator to calculate my instance level ?
/mercator myskill instance
  • How can I appear on the instance list without giving up my privacy ?
/mercator pref instancelevel <your instance level>
you can manually tell Mercator your instance level
a b c d

Example: Assume your attack level = 50 and defence level = 51
 #calc (50+51)/2
Result = 50.50
 /mercator pref instancelevel 50.5
  • How can i set my privacy to OFF ?
 #set_privacy off
  • How can I find players to go to instance with ?
Mercator is checking the stats of players online who have their privace set to OFF
 /mercator instance <lowest level> <highest level>
Example: Assume you want all players listed who are between a/d level 100 and 120
 /mercator instance 100 120
  • How can I leave a player a message who is not online ?
 /mercator tell <playername> <your message>
 /mercator tell SolarStar I just wanted to say hi ^^
  • I want to check my Combat Level regularly, how can I do it without sending a PM to Mercator every time ?
First you must create an Alias. Choose a number you can remember easily. For example 10.
Create your alias now:
 #alias 10 /mercator myskill combat
Execute the alias which you saved under number 10
  • How can i use the new Grouptell feature to send one PM to multiple persons
First you need to create a group with
 /mercator gtell add friends friendname1 friendname2 friendname3 friendname4 ...
then you can use the gtell command to send messages to all, Careful to use gtell as tell (for now) only goes to people not using your groups
/mercator gtell friends hi how are you all
If you are tired fo your friends or need to make new group to add new friends (for now you cannot add or delete friends from an existing list without deleting it compeltly
/mercator gtell del friends
If you want to know which groups you have and who is in there
/mercator gtell list
  • What is the instance calculator for a feature
Many Groups who go to instances, have after the instances left over ressources that they share (especially if they all bring same amount of ressources. To help the mathwork in the end Mercator has the command inscalc that does the work for one.


We take a 5 man team that has 500 srs 200 pking arrows 800he 15 creature food and 5 mule glyph to share. Its allowed to write it this way on mercator
/mercator inscalc 5 500srs 200 pking 800he 15cf 5 
you will get back the message
PM from mercator: The Result is for each member: 100 srs 40 pking 160 he 3 cf 1
as Mercator does not know what the last 5 was he does not add a description behind, like with the others.