Difference between revisions of "Gods"

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Line 25: Line 25:
|[[Gods/Zarin|Zarin]]||Crafting Goddess||[[Gods/Elandria|Elandria]] and [[Gods/Unolas|Unolas]]
|[[Gods/Zarin|Zarin]]||Crafting Goddess||[[Gods/Elandria|Elandria]] and [[Gods/Unolas|Unolas]]
|[[Gods/Lucaa|Lucaa]]||Harvesting God||[[Gods/unknown|unknown]]
|[[Gods/Lucaa|Lucaa]]||Harvesting Goddess||[[Gods/unknown|unknown]]

Revision as of 02:15, 14 September 2007

Important Note: If you want to create a page that is entirely related to the Gods, put the prefix "Gods/" in front of the page name you are about to create. Thus, the new page will be created in a virtual name space which is useful with respect to content structuring as the Wiki grows bigger over time. For example, if you want to add a page called "Choosing a Deity" which is strictly related to the Gods, name the page "Gods/Choosing a Deity".

Descriptions of the individual gods and goddesses were taken from the official EL forum at [Great Almanac of the Gods]

God Position Enemies
Aluwen Defense Goddess Mortos and Selain
Jayden Goddess of Potions unknown
Unolas Magic God Zarin
Mortos Attack God Aluwen and Elandria
Selain Summoning God Aluwen and Glilin
Glilin Manufacturing God Selain
Elandria Alchemy Goddess Zarin and Mortos
Zarin Crafting Goddess Elandria and Unolas
Lucaa Harvesting Goddess unknown