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(new book!)
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There is a new book at Grigore: [[http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs259.snc1/10625_160751496074_617951074_4045828_3989926_n.jpg Book of Mage Robes]]. This case need to be investigate by tailors.
There is a new book at Grigore: [[http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs259.snc1/10625_160751496074_617951074_4045828_3989926_n.jpg Book of Mage Robes]]. This case need to be investigate by tailors.
I think it's been there a while now, though after the last client release. Pretty sure like some other books like the Santa Hat book that it may be a long time if ever that the book is actually put to use.
Really hate when books are added that are useless. Golden Star Mace, enchanted serps, santa hat...
-Burn (Sep. 12, 2009)

Revision as of 12:29, 12 September 2009

There is a new book at Grigore: [Book of Mage Robes]. This case need to be investigate by tailors. -Nikodemus

I think it's been there a while now, though after the last client release. Pretty sure like some other books like the Santa Hat book that it may be a long time if ever that the book is actually put to use.

Really hate when books are added that are useless. Golden Star Mace, enchanted serps, santa hat... -Burn (Sep. 12, 2009)