White Stone
Home of Raven
Back to the Map overview
File:ELmaps map2.png
Map overview
NPCs and Stores
Insert NPCs and Stores here
Insert harvestables here
Secret spots
Insert secret spots here
Exits to
This map has exits to the following maps:
- Isla Prima (using the ship at the docks)
- Desert Pines (using the ship at the docks)
- Nordcarn (using the exit to the central north)
- Tarsengaard (using the exit to the north-east)
- Southern Kilaran (using the exit to the north-west)
- Maps/Portland (using the western exit in the north)
- Maps/Morcraven Marsh (using the western exit in the south)
- Maps/Grubani Peninsula (using the south-eastern exit)
- Maps/Ruins Of Tirnym (using the south-western exit)
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Whitestone Diamond Cave
Whitestone Diamond Cave
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Whitestone Vermor Castle
Whitestone Vermor Castle
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Whitestone Temples
Whitestone Temples
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Whitestone Underground
Whitestone Underground