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It's a MrDolomite/Sandbox for testing stuff. Grab a shovel and dig in!

Gods comparison table

God Priest Location Realm Enemies
Aluwen Defense Goddess Mortos and Selain
Dvar Father of Dwarves and Gnomes
Elandria Alchemy Goddess Zarin and Mortos
Iringold The Father of the Draegoni
Jayden Goddess of Potions Xiao and LaForge
Galienne Tailoring Goddess LaForge and ?
Glilin Manufacturing God Selain and Lucaa
LaForge Engineering God Jayden and Galienne
Lucaa Harvesting Goddess Unolas and Glilin
Mortos Attack God Aluwen and Elandria
Selain Summoning God Aluwen and Glilin
Unolas Magic God Zarin and Lucaa
Vias The Keeper of Souls
Xiao The God of Ranging Jayden and ?
Zarin Crafting Goddess Elandria and Unolas
