Tahraji Desert

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Tahraji Desert

Map overview

This is a Player Kill map. However, it is a LEGACY map from back in the days when things did not require a cool down period. This is a major advantage if you can find a secluded space to mix your essences on fruit.

NPCs and Stores



  • Summoning arena, you can get there by using some sort of globes in a ruin in the north-east
  • There is an unoccupied tent @ 285,32 at entrance to Mortos Valley which you can enter in which normal desert affects (cooldown and PK) do not apply.
  • Bag spawns with Potion of Body Restoration, thread and possibly other things in the north-east and south-east.
  • There are several paths through mountains and ruins including one from Portland to Dragon Cave.


Secret spots

Insert secret spots here

Internal Maps

Exits to

This map has exits to the following maps: