Talk:Combat Order
(Very old talk that's irrelevant now cleared, fresh start with redone page)
With so much out of place due to changes over the years, I went ahead and fully redid the whole list and attempted to make it more clear.
- Added Achievement levels for easy reference - Added the creature a/d - Added note at the top that explains that a/d is not the only thing to consider - Reordered several creatures, mostly over changes to them, some because they didn't make sense where they were - Removed sslessar, as this page is primarily for training and it has no spawn (a remnant from the days when it was the only creature in the game that didn't have a spawn)
Problem: My memory of lower-level creatures is vague, so I had mostly just a/d to rely on.
Any changes to the order are of course welcome, as I most definitely cannot guarantee the order I did is 100% correct.
Please include in your "Edit summary" when you edit the reason for the move, though, so we can all be aware of it.
Burn 18:14, 4 April 2014 (CEST) Burn - April 04, 2014