Crystal Caverns

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Desert Pines

Map overview

This delightful cavern has much to offer the young explorer. Ample supplies of various ores and minerals makes this a logical first cave for our new explorers. The creatures here are non-aggresssive, and may even be a source of thread and gems for those brave enough.

Crystal caverns.png

NPCs and Stores

  • Kronos.png Kronos - dealer in rare herbs (too rare for players) - [64,56]
  • Krystal.png Krystal - [142,42]
  • Tatu.png Tatu - Quartz Harvester - [106,15]



Bot Name Coordinates Owner Guild Location/ Other Notes
Alch_Store [140,76] nathanstenzel PEN Inside house
Chimothy [127,158] Tokie #nU
ChopShop [139,159] Silvermane LoRC
Eternal_Trader [145,174] Susje MWAR
Iduna [149,174] Krrick Riva
JBBrooks [146,159] Brooks
Malinche [138,116] ivan FUN
Merchant [52,168] Nidan
Miria [139,136] Nidan
NeverMind [126,146] CherUT HUH?
Shrek [147,174] Smurf LNX
Silver_Trader [133,169] OldSam


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