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Custom Looks Service

Sir_Odie offers a Custom-Clothing service (similar to Labrat's service which is actually visible but not updated).

To enable this service (to see the clothes) you have to edit the file 'custom_mirrors.lst' in your EL-Program-Folder, replace the content with '' and make sure, in the Client 'Options -> Server -> Custom Looks Update' is enabled (and if you have a current Client also enable 'Show Custom Clothing' there). On MacOS X put this file in your personal 'Library/Application Support/Eternal Lands/custom' folder.

You have to restart your EL-Client to activate these changes!

To have your own clothes or Guild-clothes hosted contact me in-game or via Forum-PM. Personal clothes cost 1kgc per User and Update. Guild-clothes cost 10kgc per Guild and Update.

This means you pay once for the set of clothes you send me and you pay again if you want to change (add/replace/remove) something. It doesn't matter if you send me 1 piece of cloth or a whole collection as long as you send them at once; the same is for the changes...

- a Player sends 1 cape --> 1kgc
- a Player sends 2 capes and a shield (all at once) --> 1kgc
- the same Player sends 1 new and 1 changed cape --> 1kgc
- a Guild sends a whole set of capes --> 10kgc
- a Guild wants to change 2 capes --> 10kgc

For further information (and a script that changes the the custom_mirros.lst) have a look at Sir_Odies page