Tahraji Desert

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Tahraji Desert

Map overview

This is a Player Kill map. However, it is a LEGACY map from back in the days when things did not require a cool down period. This is a major advantage if you can find a secluded space to mix your essences on fruit.

NPCs and Stores



  • Summoning arena, you can get there by using some sort of globes in a ruin in the north-east
  • There is an unoccupied tent @ 285,32 at entrance to Mortos Valley which you can enter in which normal desert affects (cooldown and PK) do not apply.
  • Bag spawns with Potion of Body Restoration, thread and possibly other things in the north-east and south-east


Secret spots

Insert secret spots here

Internal Maps

Exits to

This map has exits to the following maps: