Time Keeping

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Game Days

A game day starts at 0:00 and ends after six hours at 5:59. At each new day there is the chance to get a special day. Sunrise is at 0:30, sunset at 3:30. For example, White Stone gargoyles and Leonard on Irilion are usually only awake during nighttime, that is between 3:30 and 0:30. The first 120 harvests after each new hour give harvesting experience. An hour is split into 60 minutes. Each minute into 60 seconds. Note that there is a slight difference between our physical seconds and the seconds in the game. Therefore, a game second lasts for 61/60 real life seconds; a game minute for 61 real life seconds and a game hour is one minute longer than a real life hour. Therefore, you will experience a shift between real life time and game time.

Calendar of the Elders

The world of Draia, in Eternal Lands, uses it's own calendar, known as Calendar of the Elders. It has a year of 360 days (each day is 6 hours long). The Elder-year has 12 months of 30 days, each month is divided into five weeks of 6 day periods.

Naming of the months

Aluwia marks the beginning of the Elder year. It is the first month of spring, also know as Month of Aluwen, The birth or The beginning.
The second month is Seedar. This month is a month spent planning, planting, and preparing. Also known as Seed-time.
Rain month. Prayers go to the hope for rain. With the aid of Centau the lands may be blessed with water. End of spring.
The month of beauty. Flowers are abundant and the lands are fertile. Name from Zarin, the Goddess of Beauty and the Arts.
Midsummer, the peak of summer which is a blessing in some parts and a hot dry month in the rain/dry season parts. Name from Elandria.
Month of the mystics, also called Goldleaf. Wielders of the magical or arcane will feel a special bond to the lands. End of summer.
Time to harvest, beginning of autumn and also a time to remember lost ones
Darkness falls over the lands. This is height of decay. Supplies not prepared will rot, animals born likely to be freaks. Followers of Mortos, the god of destruction, hold this month in high esteem.
Month of wise choices. Winter is coming, it is time to make preparations. Gathering of supplies for the winter, many sacrifices to the gods. End of fall.
Sometimes refered to as "the flake" or "the end" Beginning of winter/rain season.
The Month of the Chimeran wolves. A harsh cold month even the rain forests/jungles are colder than usual.
Month of suffering and betrayal. Many deaths as supplies run out. End of winter/rain season.


A week has a length of 6 days, which are named Aurun, Dranun, Mortun, Zarun and Terun.