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Archery is the use of bows and arrows to fight at long distance. It's used in hunting and combat. Be careful when shooting at close range; your equipped arrow usually gets destroyed if a creature counterattacks, and sometimes your bow does too.

Of the cheap bows the Shortbow shoots the fastest and is fairly accurate (+4 Missile accuracy) while the Crossbow shoots the slowest but with the greatest accuracy (+8 missile Accuracy). The Long bow, is slower and less accurate than the Short bow (+2 Missile Accuracy) but does a little more damage. Recurve (+6 Missile Accuracy) and Elven (+10 missile Accuracy) bows are both faster and more accurate but also a lot more expensive. The Elven bow does considerably more damage than the cheaper bows.


Melee Dmg Range Dmg Missile Acc EMU Human Light Modifier
Short Bow Short Bow.png 5-8 3-8 4 7 0 3
Long Bow Long Bow.png 5-8 6-11 2 7 0 3
Recurve Bow Recurve Bow.png 5-8 8-13 6 7 0 3
Elven Bow Elven Bow.png 5-8 12-17 10 7 0 3


EMU Dmg Accuracy Missile Acc Crit to Hit Light Modifier Special Damage
Training arrows Training arrows.png 2 0 0 0 0 +3 0
Pking arrows Pking arrows.png 2 30 0 +10 0 +3 0
Fire arrows Fire arrows.png 2 15 -25 -10 -15 +3 +35 Heat
Magic Arrows Magic arrows.png 2 15 -25 +15 -15 +3 +15 Magic
Ice Arrows Ice arrows.png 2 0 -25 -15 -15 +3 +40 Cold


Melee Dmg Range Dmg Missile Acc EMU Human Light Modifier
Crossbow Crossbow.png 5-8 10-15 8 7 0 3


EMU Dmg Accuracy Missile Acc Crit to Hit Light Modifier Special Damage / Effect
Training bolts Training bolts.png 1 0 0 0 0 +3 0
Pking bolts Pking bolts.png 1 30 0 +15 0 +3 0
Fire bolts Fire bolts.png 1 10 -15 -10 -15 +3 +10 Heat, 15% chance to
do mana burn
Magic Bolts Magic bolts.png 1 10 -15 +15 -15 +3 +10 Magic, 7% chance to
deplete mana
Ice Bolts Ice bolts.png 1 10 -15 -15 -15 +3 +10 Cold, 10% chance to


There are some Perks that are specifically designed for ranging:

Wilhelm Hood Perk
Increased accuracy of ranging weapons,
damage and ranging experience increased by 15%,
Ethereal Ranger Perk
30% chance to not lose an arrow or bolt after firing it.
Ninja Perk
80% chance that you will not become visible (if invisible) when using ranged attacks.

Ranging arena

Archery Arenas provide an additional money sink for this money sink skill by providing a target that neither moves nor dies.