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Map overview
NPCs and Stores
Insert NPCs and Stores here
- Black Rose -
- Blue Lupine - [121,82],[269,206]
- Blue Star Flower -
- Cactus -
- Chrysanthemum -
- Fruit -
- Gold -
- Henbane - [51,341], [87,253] [234,209]
- Impatiens - [53,302]
- Lilac -
- Red Rose - [62,322]
- Red Snapdragons -
- Red Toadstool - [92,272], [103,210]
- Rue - [180,146]
- Sunflower - [23.332]
- Swamp Candle -
- Tiger Lilly - [107,225]
- Valerian -
- Vegetable - [120, 115], [100, 135]
- White Asiatic Lilly - [96,277]
- Wood Branches -
- Wood Logs - [136,250]
- Yarrow - [154,215], [148,218], [126,169]
- Yellow Rose -
- Tarsengaard Magic School
- Lady_Legend [43,269] near the VotD entrance, LLL guild bot
- Emporium [197, 180] right next to storage, JUST guild bot
Secret spots
Way to Roanof Island
To the east of the magic school, off a little dock there's water shallow enough to wade in... answer the riddle of the tree and entrance to Roanof Island is granted. To get back there is another tree with another riddle to be solved. HINT: To answer the riddles requires an item to be in your inventory, you must USE the item WITH the tree.
- Boars
- Red Snake
- Green Snake
- Armed Male Goblin
- Puma
- Black Bear
- Imp
- Wood Sprite
- Leprechaun
- Fox
- Brown Rabbit
- Wolf
- Wood Sprite
- Gargoyles (in the south cave)
Internal Maps
Exits to
This map has exits to the following maps: