Advanced Strategies
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Advanced Stragegies Index
Advanced Strategies
The purpose of this article is to gather a collection of advanced topics concerning Eternal Lands. There's only so much that is really obvious, the really good tricks are discovered when people play and invest time in a game: they come up with really neat strategies and best practices. If you have anything you think belongs in here, add it. (LMB - Left mouse button, RMB - Right mouse button).
- Use magic immunity in invasions and PK to avoid being hit by creature special effects like mana burn/cooldown. It hurts when 30 brown bears are thrown at you during an invasion, destroying your ability to cast anything.
- Use ctrl-RMB to do a "forced walk"; you can walk anywhere without the danger of attacking/harvesting by accident. This is very useful if you have lots of summons around, or want to avoid attacking monsters/players.
- You can use alt-LMB to attack something (the cursor will automatically change to the "attack" icon). This does not work when using a window manager like windowmaker (it uses keyboard shortcuts with the alt key for it's own purposes).
- Use the minimap while training fighting (alt-M), it makes finding your spawn much easier. You can also "auto-flee" if you activate the map-walking by clicking somewhere on the minimap. If this is more efficient than manually clicking, I am not sure.
- According to Entropy, fleeing by pressing the Home key is "not the right way to do it". Clicking on different ground tiles nearby seems to work better, too.
- By using the negative effect of True Sight Potions (they temporarily lower a/d by 10), you can adjust your a/d to match your PvP partner, to get more experience out of your monster training, or to fight in level-restricted arenas you were normally not allowed to. Control your a/d by controlling the food level, the a/d will only recover while you have a positive food level. Use various food types to your advantage.
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