White Stone
Home of Raven
Back to the Map overview
File:ELmaps map2.png
Map overview
NPCs and Stores
Insert NPCs and Stores here
Insert harvestables here
Secret spots
Insert secret spots here
- way to C2 starts here
Internal Maps
File:ELmaps map2 cave.png
Whitestone Diamond Cave
Whitestone Diamond Cave
File:ELmaps map2 insidescastle.png
Whitestone Vermor Castle
Whitestone Vermor Castle
File:ELmaps map2 insides.png
Whitestone Temples
Whitestone Temples
File:ELmaps misc1.png
Whitestone Misc Caves
Whitestone Misc Caves
File:ELmaps .png
Whitestone Underground
Whitestone Underground
Exits to
This map has exits to the following maps:
- Isla Prima (using the ship at the docks)
- Desert Pines (using the ship at the docks)
- Nordcarn (using the exit to the central north)
- Tarsengaard (using the exit to the north-east)
- Southern Kilaran (using the exit to the north-west)
- Maps/Portland (using the western exit in the north)
- Maps/Morcraven Marsh (using the western exit in the south)
- Maps/Grubani Peninsula (using the south-eastern exit)
- Maps/Ruins Of Tirnym (using the south-western exit)