Main Page

From ELWiki
Revision as of 20:07, 10 September 2006 by Lilymarron (talk | contribs) (→‎Index)
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Welcome to the FoCW Wiki! It is intended to share information about Eternal Lands between members of the Fellowship. The idea of a wiki is that everyone can take part in it's development, so create a user account and start editing (or adding) pages!

If you need information about how to work with a wiki, you can try the following links for information:

The most important thing for a wiki are cross-links between pages. If there is no link to a page, it doesn't exist, so remember to add cross-links to all relevant pages.


We are still trying to figure out what might be of interest. If you come up with a good idea, just go on and create it. So far the following big topics are planned:

  • EL Maps: Information about maps: harvestables, npc's, sightseeing :)
  • EL Gods: Worshipping facts
  • Encyclopedia: Harvestable items, potions, and more.

Building the Index

As you create things, please post a link to them here.