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Revision as of 10:53, 8 February 2009 by Gampa (talk | contribs) (→‎Adding and removing nexus: added link to #reset guide)
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Nexus enhance/limit the abilities of a character in Eternal Lands in different areas corresponding to the different nexus:

Adding and removing nexus

  • Any nexus can be increased by purchase from the Wraith on Isla Prima for 1 pickpoint or for 50 Hydrogenium Bars from Costel in Port Anitora.
  • Note: Once you get a nexus, spending a pickpoint at the Wraith it will need about 1 minute to charge (your food level must be positive).
  • Any nexus can be removed by Nexus Removal Stones one by one, or by using the #reset command (note: this resets everything else related to pickpoints and overall level as well!).