Beginner Help

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Hello, this section is to help out beginners.

  • Here we do not use the terms newb or noob or newbie or any other form of those words to describe new players because they are derogatory to new players.

Ok as everyone should know you start on Isla Prima. There are many good things right on that first island before you go on the boat.

  • Until your attack or defense lvl gets to 17 you can be healed by the Tutorial NPC if you get hurt.
  • When you start out there is a good way to make money called harvesting. You can harvest vegetables at the veggie patch across from beam and then take them to the tavern to sell them for 0.5gc each. It may not seem like much, but it helps :)
  • It is a good idea to do the quests that the Tutorial NPC gives you because you will gain some experience and upon completion, he will give you a sword and armor. (some of his quests will take you off of the isle.)
  • The first and only creature you should attack at is the rabbit. You may be able to take on rats or beavers but if you want to keep the stuff they drop and not lose a lot of health, stick to rabbits.Once you get a few levels of attack and defense you can fight rats and beavers. Although there are brownies and wood sprites on the isle, one should take care not to click them accidentally, because you will surely die.
  • Remember to eat or your health won't replenish. Eating important as you progress through the game. If your food level goes below 0 it will take you longer to harvest also, and you will also stop reading any books you are currently reading
  • If you ever have questions in the game you can always type #jc 1. This will make you join the new players help channel. You can also join channel 2 (#jc 2) however this is for more advanced questions.
  • In the game before you go to other places using the boats I recommend you talk to the NPC Lasud . She will tell you info on other lands.
  • On the isle there is a good place to "harvest" rats in a cave at. Rats spawn in there with an endless supply and it is a good place to fight them in a closed space.
  • No creatures on the isle will attack you unless you attack them first. This is not true in most of the lands beyond.
  • When you leave the isle pay close attention to the clock telling night and day at the bottom right of your screen because many of the lands become much more dangerous at night (between 3:30 and 0:30 game time). At night evil creatures come out and will openly attack you even if you are in a town and even in some buildings.
  • If you do die you go to a place called the underworld. There is nothing there but scenery. Just head north and then to the center northernmost part. There is a door there that takes you back outside. It is lighter near the door as a hint you are getting close. When you go through the door you end up at by a lamp post and a fire on Isla Prima. You will be dropped off at the same point whenever you die.
  • If you see someone die, remember their name, pick up their stuff and send them a private message to tell them you have their death bag. Do not just take the stuff and leave, that is called bag jumping and the people of EL frown upon this kind of behavior.
  • You send private messages or pm by typing /(player name) (message). Also to speak in a channel you type @ (message).
  • Money does not weigh anything but almost everything else does. When you go on the boat to White Stone you can go to the storage in White Stone. Talk to the female NPC Raven to open the storage. When at storage or harvesting it is considered common courtesy to sit while you are there so others can talk/harvest also.
  • If you ever want to get back to Isla Prima at by the lamp post and the fire just type "#beam me up" or "#beam me" (no quotes). That will teleport you back except for when Scotty is on vacation.
  • We all hope everyone who plays the game has a great experience and a great time.

  • Having trouble opening a creature's bag? Is it under the snow, under water or is the dead body just so big, you can't get to it? - easy solution. Just drop something. The bag window will open for you automatically. As of 1.8 Update, there is a new button called "Get all". Just open your inventory window and click the get all button.
  • Windows stuck on the edge of the screen? Switch to full screen mode and back again. This usually shakes them loose.
  • Fine tune the your characters position; use Ins/Del to turn left/right and Home to move one pace forward
  • Press alt-b to display health points underneath a player's name
  • If you intend to remain stationary, sit down and use sit-lock (enable it from the controls tab in the options window) this will prevent your character wandering around if you accidentally click in the wrong place (your character will not move while seated).
  • Buy an excavator cape (the brown one) as soon as you can. It costs 2900 gc and can be bought from Victor in White Stone City. Wearing the cape will double the amount you harvest. It will pay for itself in no time.