Special Days

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In these Eternal Lands there are many special days, some for good, and some for ill. This guide will present you with the game text in italics and a chance to fully understand the benefits/hazards of each day.

Special Days

Acid Rain Day

English: Each minute you spend outside when it rains, there is a chance for the items you WEAR to get damaged and disappear.

Role Playing: Our scientists have discovered an increase in the acidity of the rain, due to the increased pollution from the dwarf and gnome factories. Anyone being hit by the rain might lose some of the items they wear.

Day of Aleksei Stakhanov

English: 3x experience for harvesting

Role Playing: Aleksei Stakhanov is in the town today, teaching harvesters how to harvest resources more effectively. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksei_Grigorievich_Stakhanov for more info about him.

Day of fasting

English: No eating this day. Yeah, I know, you hate us.

Role Playing: Today is the day when we pay respect to our gods, wether we respect them or not :D

What does this mean to you? It means you're ability to research will cease to exist, your ability to mix will rapidly end, and your ability to regenerate damage/mana ends with that hunger counter hitting 0.

What can you do? Harvest, Cast Spells, Drink Potions (other than Feasting), Attack/Defend, and of course Chat with folks.

Day of Invasions

English: The invasions last more, are harder, and have a higher chance to happen.

Automatic invasions are more likely to occur- on first test run there were 3(?) invasions during an EL day. GIWS will still warn and update you about what's going on.

Day of Joule

English: Half the food for manufacturing/potion/etc. skills

Role Playing: Today we celebrate James Prescott Joule. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Prescott_Joule for more info on who he was and what he did

What does this mean to you? Everything you do in the "Manufacturing" window requires but half the food costs.

What can you do? For maximum effect put on the grey cloak (Power Saving) and mix things such as Fire Essences, Water Essences, and Thread, which only use 1 food normally, as they now use 0. OR do those items that normally require your FULL food counter and then some... Either way - this day is a day you use the "Manufacturing" window as much as possible. (Some people stop harvesting and run through their storage on this day.)

Day of more grief

English: Higher chances of items breaking today.

Role Playing: Today our planet is passing throughout an area in our universe where the electromagnetic law is slightly different, and this is causing the armors, weapons, tools and clothes to be slightly weaker, thus increasing their chance to break.

Day of Murphy

English: ALL the failures are critical (ingredients lost)

Role Playing: Anything that can go wrong, will. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murphy's_law

Day of no grief

English: No items break today.

Role Playing: Today our planet is passing throughout an area in our universe where the electromagnetic law is slightly different, and this is causing the armors, weapons, tools and clothes to never break for the duration of this day.

Day of no rostogols

English: Today the rostogol stones do not work

Role Playing:

Day of Recycling

English: 5% chance of not losing the ingredients while using the manufacture window

Role Playing: Today we use the resource in a more efficient way, allowing for better production of items and animals.

Day of Robin Tell

Double ranging experience.

Day of Sun Tzu

English: 2x experience for attack and defense

Role Playing: Sun Tzu is in town, teaching people about how to be better at killing others. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Tzu

Day of the brave

English: no fleeing today (not even with diss rings).

Role Playing: Today everyone is so brave, so that no one can flee from a fight. So all fights are to the death

Day of the dead

English: This day, there is a random chance that when an entity dies (human or computer controlled) it will respawn full health where it died, without dropping

Role Playing: Mortos has some extra power today, so he will randomly save any living (or undead) being from it's ultimate fate.

Day of the print

English: Today there is a chance that once you read a book you will instantly assimilate the knowledge.

Role Playing:

Decreased harvesting events day

English: Today there is reduced chance to trigger random harvesting events.

Role Playing: Gaia is pissed off today, she declared that today random events while harvesting will be even more rare.

Decreased rare manufacturing day

English: Decreased rate of producing a better product today while creating new items (manufacture, alchemy, etc.).

Role Playing: All the gods that patron manufacture related skills are mad at j00, so that might reflect in your today's production of items.

Green Day

English: No harvesting of any kind today.

Role Playing: Today we honor Mother Nature by not stripping her off her resources.

Healing Day

English: 5 health points restored every minute, regardless of food level.

Role Playing: Today it is Aluwen's birthday, so everyone get their health restored much, much faster.

Increased harvesting events day

English: Today there is an increased chance to trigger random harvesting events.

Role Playing: Gaia is happy today, she is granting additional random events to those that harvest today.

Increased rare manufacturing day

English: Increased rate of producing a better product today while creating new items (Alching, manufacturing, etc.)

Role Playing: All the Gods that patron manufacture related skills are happy, so that might reflect in you today's production of items.

Invasions day

The chance for invasions is much higher each hour, the invasions last longer, and the monsters are stronger or higher numbers.

Labour Day

English: No manufacturing (anything requiring the mix window) today.

Role Playing: today we celebrate the labour day, by... umm, not working. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

Leonard's Day

Leonard is very happy today, so he is considerably stronger, and stays awake the whole day.

No drops day

English: No items drop when players or AI die. Rostogol stones will disappear as usually though.

Role Playing:

Peace Day

English: No fighting today, you can't attack players, animals or monsters, and the animals or monsters won't attack you either.

Role Playing: Today we celebrate life and, as such, we will not fight with eachother, nor will will harm any life form.

Reconstruction day

English: Today, there is a chance that when you use an item, it will not disappear from your inventory.

Role Playing: For reasons unknown to us, perhaps a time space anomaly, some items do not dissapear after being used.

On this day, any food, book, potion, ring, or other consumable product has a chance of giving you the benefit of having used it, while remaining in your inventory. This is a particularly great day to some of that hunting (combat training) you've been putting off.

Scholars Day

English: More experience in any skill, cummulative with the gods exp.

Role Playing: A group of scholars is visiting our lands, spreading knowledge al over. OOC: crappy explanation, no?

Scientists day

English: No knowledge required today (for harvest, manufacture, alchemy, etc.).

Role Playing: Umm, just read the English description, I don't feel like making a 'story' about it, it's 12 am and I have to go to work tomorrow. :D

Scotty's vacation

English: No #beam me up.

Role Playing: Umm.. Scotty has to take his cat to the vet today, so he can't beam you up.

Solar Flares day

English: Today, if you are out at daytime, you lose 2 hp/minute.

Role Playing: Our scientists have noticed a solar activity increase, so the UV rays and the solar wind are going to cause damage to all living beings (Isla Prima not affected). We recommend staying indoors during the daytime.