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Unolas - God of Magic

Having attained his godhood through the guidance of Mortos then being forced into war against Aluwen, Zarin, Elandria and Glydoc, Unolas now strives to remain aloof and throws himself into the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and mastery of magic. As a mortal elf, he was acknowledged as the brightest among his race, but as a god, his knowledge soon exceeded all the other deities. He is the patron of teachers and mages. Unolas is reluctant to accept traditional definitions and he will constantly seek alternative paths to a problem, and he enjoys dabbling in invention and creation. Often, Elandria or Jayden would go to him for a fresh perspective on their own problems. To follow the path of Unolas is to seek what is beyond the concept of logic and the mind – magic.


White Stone - Vermor Castle




Follwers get more magic experience. +20% magic experience after final quest.


Temporarily boost Magic skill level +10 for 25gc


Zarin and Lucaa

Starting Rank

-2 to Magic, -8% Magic Experience


1,2,3,4 Are taken from your inventory. The rest are taken from storage

  1. 2 Leather Pants
  2. 5 Leather Boots
  3. 1 Iron Helm
  4. 4 Steel Shields
  5. 500 Coal
  6. 1000 Rose Quartz
  7. 100 Gold Bars
