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Mortos - Attack God

He strove to balance the creation of life on Draia from the beginning and constantly plots to destroy what he deems unfit. That kind of suicidal hatred of everything is difficult to comprehend for many. But Mortos was betrayed, imprisoned and forced to remain in the Inner Realm, which was the prison the gods banished Mortos to so many years ago.

He decided a very long time ago that he wished to forego the agony of reason and now revels in Death, Destruction and Pain. There could be no greater torture than to be immortal and hate your very existence, hating being imprisoned. He hates this, hates the reminder that afflicts him in every moment of every day. To destroy the world would perhaps dim his pain. Aided and abetted by Selain and his minions, he nurtures terror and war among the unsuspecting races whenever possible and using whatever means necessary to achieve his end. Every day he sends the Beast of Shattered Dreams to call out to the wickedness and evil he planted in the natures of the mortals, cajoling them to murder, to war, to corrupt and destroy. One day Mortos will wrestle himself free, awaken his army led by the Beast of Shattered Dreams, and wage war on the world.

To follow the path of Mortos is to submit to the Shadowlord and gain personal power. Dying is brief, but death is forever. To follow Mortos is to be a Herald of the End of Life.


Naralik 25px.png Naralik Catacombs

High priest

Dirhyan.png Dirhyan


  • Followers get more attack experience.
  • At rank 3 of worshipping, you receive 22,400 attack experience (20,000 +12% god bonus).


  • Temporary +15 attack levels for ? gc. Your attack level will reduce by 1 each minute until it returns to normal. (At what rank does he offer this?)


You cannot worship these gods while worshipping Mortos:

Starting Rank

-2 (-8% attack experience)


Each rank of worship grants you a 4% increase in the amount of attack experience you recieve as long as you remain a worshipper. To advance to the next rank, you must retrieve a batch of a specific item and talk to Dirhyan. If you wish to renounce the god and return to your base experience amount, talk to Dirhyan. If you later wish to worship the god again, you will restart at rank -2.

Rank Items needed for this rank Where to put items Defense experience
-2 none - starting rank nowhere -8%
-1 Bones.png 300 Bones Storage -4%
0 Deer Antlers.png 50 Deer Antlers Storage -0%
1 Leather Gloves.png 100 Leather Gloves Storage +4%
2 Silver Bar.png 100 Silver Bars Storage +8%
3 Iron Sword.png 40 Iron Swords Storage +12%
4 Potion of Attack.png 200 Potions of Attack Storage +16%
5 Steel Chain Mail.png 5 Steel Chain Mails Storage +20%


Mortos during an invasion in the Irilion (C2) portals room