Talk:Portland Ring Building

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Revision as of 08:40, 12 December 2010 by Vygder (talk | contribs) (Ruby mining is not required)
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Ruby mining is not required

Book of Ruby Mining is not a prerequisite for Portland Ring Building. This suggests that none of the mining books are required for any of the mixable items (for instance, in crafting, manufacturing, or anything else). Embedding and processing, however, are prerequisites. Please use this knowledge to add appropriate prerequisites to the pages of other mixable items requiring embedded gemstones (diamond, ruby, emerald or sapphire). (I tried reading Portland Rings Building myself. I have not read Ruby Mining, and it did not appear in the error message I received from the Portland Rings book. The error contained only the prerequisites that are already listed on the Portland Rings Building page.) --Vygder 02:40, 12 December 2010 (CST)