Isle of the Forgotten

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Revision as of 21:38, 8 May 2012 by Durisat (talk | contribs) (Added Temple of Dryx Harvesting Room to Secrets spots.)
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Isle of the Forgotten

Map overview

This is a cold map, if you don't want to freeze, better wear protective clothing or Armour and be advised that while outside areas are safe areas, caves and secret rooms may not be.

NPCs and stores


Inside Buried Store

Inside Diamond Tree

Inside Oblvio Cave

Inside Snowman Room

Inside Temple of Dryx Harvesting Room

Inside the House located at [40,151]


  • House of Restoration - unoccupied



Inside Large Spider Cave

Inside Oblvio Cave

Inside Snowman Room

Secret spots

Internal maps

Exits to

This map has exits to the following maps: