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Book seller in North Redmoon in town at [275,290]. Neculce sells the following engineering books, some of which are for ranging items (Note: Arrow/Bolt Head Mold is a Crafting book):

Note: The topics are not clearly defined because the knowledge tree of prerequisites for engineering is not yet fully known.

Item Topic You can "Buy item" for
Purple Book.png Book of Nails Engineering 4,000
Purple Book.png Book of Rope Engineering 4,000
Purple Book.png Book of Blackpowder Engineering 5,000
Purple Book.png Book of Saltpeter Engineering 10,000
Brown Book.png Book of Lightmeter Engineering 10,000
Brown Book.png Book of Invasionmeter Engineering 10,000
Brown Book.png Book of Night Visor Engineering 25,000
Purple Book.png Book of Snare Mines and wards 10,000
Purple Book.png Book of Caltrops Mines and wards 10,000
Purple Book.png Book of Poisoned Caltrops Mines and wards 15,000
Purple Book.png Book of Small Landmine Mines and wards 20,000
Brown Book.png Book of Medium Landmine Mines and wards 20,000
Brown Book.png Book of High Explosive Landmine Mines and wards 20,000
Red Book.png Book of RC Mine Mines and wards 15,000
Red Book.png Book of RC Detonator Mines and wards 15,000
Red Book.png Book of Mana Drain Ward Mines and wards 15,000
Red Book.png Book of Mana Burn Ward Mines and wards 15,000
Red Book.png Book of Immunity Removal Ward Mines and wards 15,000
Red Book.png Book of Invisibility Removal Ward Mines and wards 15,000
Brown Book.png Book of Astrology Indicators Indicator 10,000
Brown Book.png Book of A/D Indicator Indicator 12,000
Brown Book.png Book of Criticals Indicator Indicator 12,000
Brown Book.png Book of Accuracy/Magic Indicator Indicator 12,000
Brown Book.png Book of Harvest/Degrade Indicator Indicator 12,000
Brown Book.png Book of Rare/Fail Indicator Indicator 12,000
Blue Book.png Book of Arrows and Bolts Arrows and bolts 10,000
Blue Book.png Book of PK Arrows Arrows and bolts 10,000
Blue Book.png Book of Ice Arrows Arrows and bolts 10,000
Blue Book.png Book of Fire Arrows Arrows and bolts 10,000
Blue Book.png Book of Magic Arrows Arrows and bolts 10,000
Blue Book.png Book of PK Bolts Arrows and bolts 10,000
Blue Book.png Book of Ice Bolts Arrows and bolts 10,000
Blue Book.png Book of Fire Bolts Arrows and bolts 10,000
Blue Book.png Book of Magic Bolts Arrows and bolts 10,000
Blue Book.png Book of Arrow Bolt Head Arrows and bolts 10,000
Blue Book.png Book of Arrows Bolts Head Mold Mold (Crafting) 10,000
Sheet.png Book of Treasure Finder Finder 30,000
Sheet.png Book of Pear Finder Finder 30,000
Prices are measured in Gold Coins.png gold coins (gc).

These books are purchasable from NPC and can be read but no items may be manufactured at this time

Item You can "Buy item" for
Blue Book.png Book of Bows and Crossbows 10,000
Sheet.png Book of Barricade 20,000
Purple Book.png Book of Camouflage Cape 25,000
Prices are measured in Gold Coins.png gold coins (gc).