Hall of Outhouses

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Revision as of 16:27, 19 March 2015 by Saxum (talk | contribs)
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You will be teleported in this room if you use a Dung Teleporter. There are a lot of outhouses to harvest at, but nothing else. If you walk into any of the outhouses, it teleports you to a corresponding outhouse on some map. There are exits to both continents and most destinations are monster-free. If outhouse is surrounded with AFK people you may get stuck in outhouse if you can not use other method to leave.



  • You teleport in at coordinates 578,53
  • Teleporter at 609,74 does not work.
  • It's looks like a Portal Room.
  • It is located on C1.
  • The map is internally referenced as mapnewbie_insides.elm

Exits to