Storage NPCs

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Storage NPCs work like a bank. You can deposit and withdraw almost anything at any storage NPC (the exceptions are hazardous materials). Similar to your inventory, the total amount of "slots" (squares) for items available in storage is limited (to 300 currently), but the quantity of items within each slot is unlimited.


When in range of a storage NPC, click on the NPC to talk to it. Your options are to open your storage, get help on using storage, or say "good bye".

  • Deposit: Click on the items in your inventory with the normal cursor to pick them up. Move the mouse to the storage window, and click in the storage window to deposit an amount of items equal to the number you have selected in blue in your inventory window. Clicking repeatedly will deposit more of the selected item until your inventory is empty.
  • Withdraw: Find the item you want to withdraw by selecting the correct storage category. Click on the desired item to pick it up. Move your mouse to your inventory, and click on your inventory to withdraw an amount of items equal to the number that you have selected in blue in your inventory window. Clicking repeatedly will withdraw more of the selected item until your inventory is full, you are overloaded, or your storage doesn't contain that item anymore.
  • Changing the amount of items moved: Click with your right mouse button on a blue number at the bottom of your inventory; it will turn red. Now you can change that number using your keyboard (backspace, numerical keys). Your mouse must be hovering over your inventory window while editing the numbers.

HazMat storages

HazMat storages are special storages which can hold hazardous items and perform all the other functions of a regular storage. Regular storages can not hold these hazardous items:

Storage NPC's for hazardous items:

  • Viorel.png Viorel in Naralik 25px.png Naralik in Seridia (C1) (was previously located in the Tirnwood underground in White Stone, and some modded maps still show this incorrect information)
  • Hazardel.png Hazardel in Melinis 25px.png Melinis in Irilion (C2)