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Custom Clothes


  • The Eternal Lands client can use unofficial mirrors to display custom clothing and looks in the game. You can even get your own personal or guild clothes hosted on a custom mirror. Links and instructions on how to install them are given on the Custom clothes page.
  • Eternal Lands now also has an official custom clothing service, which requires good quality, believable, fantasy clothing. This service costs $10 per texture (or piece, please confirm) and should have all inquiries directed to its thread on the Official Eternal Lands Forums.

Customtorso8.png Custompants5.png Customboots6.png Customdragonblade.png Steelshield gem.png Customcape purple.png

Customhelmet6.png Customhelmet6b.png Customhelmet6c.png

Custom (Tab) Maps


  • There are some sets of custom maps that extend and enhance the original game maps by giving more details and covering more actual maps. Links and instructions on how to install them are given on the Custom maps page.

Shiny new EL icon

Shinyicon.png[download the icon from Google Drive]

Custom User Menus

Hexen colors.png The NEM Problem