White Wizard Hat of Life and Mana

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Revision as of 04:16, 29 August 2017 by Maxine (talk | contribs)
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Increases maximum material points by 170 and ethereal points by 40.
Ingredients and info incomplete.
Not listed in http://www.eternal-lands.com/manufacture.htm yet
White Wizard Hat.png


Manufacturing information

Recommended Tailoring level: [more than 89 likely]
Base Tailoring experience given: 4000
Required tools:

Knowledge required:

Required nexus:

  • None

Food subtracted: [more than 25 likely]

Other information

Weight: 2 EMU
Stackable: No
Storable: Yes
Breaks; does not degrade.

Update Info

New item, White Wizard Hat of Life and Mana. It gives you 150 life plus 40 mana. Twice as likely to degrade as CoL but not nearly as much as RHoLM. Will disappear after it degrades. For now it will be available from shop only, but next update it will be manufacturable by tailors.