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IRON, Independent Republic of the North

We operate as a loose republic and a tight group of friends.



  • Always follow the rules laid out in the Eternal Lands Game Rules (in game press F5)
  • Be courteous and respectful to other EL citizens and especially other IRON citizens.
  • No Bag jumping, stealing, or scamming of other players.
  • No cursing on any guild channel

Complete Rules and Regulations

To Join

Post an application our website Here.

  • Must have 2 skills @ 25+ (not OA or Harvest).

A Brief History

By Wizzkidd

As for the history of the guild.. here it is in brief (or as I recall anyway)

The guild started sometime around Winter of 2003 and was Founded by Cadence. He grew the guild to about 20 people in the first year and established a council for leadership. He was the clear leader, but he was very wise in enlisting his council to vote on decisions and the birth of a Great guild was on the horizon. In May of 2004, CopperArrow invited me to join IRON one day in the Grahm's village magic shop. Glorrianna interviewed me, but I did not have a skill at level 20 yet, I was 18 harvest. So, I worked to 20 within the week, and joined IRON. In those Days, Euric, Glorrianna and I spent lots of time together. We all tried to increase the guilds size, but it was slow going. Soon, I was granted rank 15 so that I could signup new people, and I began recruiting like mad. It was about this time that I created the EL Companion. Shortly after giving that to the leadership in IRON, they began encouraging me to write a bot. I had no idea what that would look like, but I decided to look into it. And very soon after, I began work on Charn.

Cadence and many of his leaders slowly began to withdraw from the game about that time. It became dificult to get people ranked up enough to talk on GM since I only had level 15. So I devised the idea to allow Charn to do these things which also included creating the ranking system we currently know and love. I talked it over with Glorrianna and Cadence and they loved the idea. So, both Charn and I were promoted to Chieftains. I continued to work on charn, and enhance him adding more and more guild management support. Till one day someone from another guild gave me the idea of making charn the guild leader and adding the ability to go AFG to charn. This revelation was invaluable to IRON, as it led to the creation of IFC and Shari. Shari came on the scene when Minion of Gard decided to leave EL. He had run a bot named MadameYes and he gave her to me. Her name was changed to Shari and she pioneered botting on C2 as the first active bot to live there. Shari soon became the leader of IFC and now IRON members could easily move between guilds.

Next, we decided as a guild to create a guild map. Brein had been working on one he wanted to be inculded in the official game as a C2 map. But since C2 map making was already complete, he decided to continue the development of the map for IRON. Once he completed the map, I began writing the Def file which is what makes all the doors and teleports work, along with denoting what areas are pk, harvest, etc. The Antiroot of JUST donated to me the source code for RedKnight, the Kill bot that everyone was using. Perun (a former member of IRON) was leaving EL and donated his character to become the map protector. Gruby_Mietek, Tuver, Solorni, and myself spent many hours leveling Perun! Meanwhile I spent lots of time upgrading and debugging the bot code. Finally our Guild map came online in August of 2006.

We had a few problems with the map and the cave that Perun guarded, so I continued work on the map and Perun to resolve the issues. As it stands today (Nov 2, 2006) the new guildmap is ready on the test server and will be deployed with the next client update for EL. Perun has never been killed, and has not been passed since the map was adjusted the first time.

Tomorrow is my last day in EL, and I look on my time here with great pride and hope. I am proud of our leadership team and where we have been able to go as a guild, and I have hope for the future of IRON. With our bots, guild map, and leadership team we are poised to become the strongest guild in game. May the Honor of IRON live long and be a beacon to those who seek Integrity!

We remain one of the oldest guilds in EL. We don't take much interest in our stats, all we focus on is being a tight group of friends. We are proud of our tag, and the IRON flag will always fly high.