Talk:Iron Plate Mail Construction

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Iron Chain Mail Construction

Even though Thanoulis added Iron Chain Mail Construction to the prerequisites after verifying with a player named Ghio, I'm skeptical because it doesn't make logical sense. How is chain mail required for plate mail? Sure, the developers may have added the chain mail book as a prerequisite, so I'm not completely dismissing it, but it doesn't make sense. The only way to confirm it is if a player who has not read the chain mail book attempts to read the plate mail book and receives an error message listing the chain mail book as a requirement. Thanoulis, did Ghio receive an error message? If so, did the error list the chain mail book? --Vygder 02:39, 18 December 2010 (CST)

The user "Ghio" did receive an error message listing the lack of the "Iron Chain Mail" knowledge. He pasted me the error message, in order to believe him. Also, CEL's relative page has the "Iron Chain Mail Construction" as a prerequisite. As for the sense of it, i don't like it either. --Thanoulis 06:08, 18 December 2010 (CST)
Thank you. I'll consider it confirmed. --Vygder 14:03, 18 December 2010 (CST)