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Trustbot is a bot which you can gauge the trustworthiness of a player as viewed from fellow players. While trustworthiness is given as a measure of number you, can also examine who considered which players considered player trustworthy or untrustworthy.

Note: trustbot does NOT check if player name provided is valid. Player name case is ignored.

Public Voting Commands

Report <player> -- Trust report for <player>

Trust <player> -- Increase <player>s rating

Distrust <player> -- Decrease <player>s rating

Clear <player> -- Clears your vote on <player>

Details <player> -- Shows who voted for <player>

Myvotes -- Shows who you voted for

More specifically it provides a URL with webpage showing who you voted for using TRUST and DISTRUST commands.

Misc Commands

Help -- This help text


  • /trustbot help
  • /trustbot report noone
  • /trustbot details noone
  • /trustbot distrust noone
  • /trustbot clear noone
  • /trustbot trust noone
  • /trustbot myvotes

Sample Output

[PM to Trustbot: report noone]
[PM from Trustbot: No-one has told me anything about noone. Use TRUST or DISTRUST to tell we what you think of them!]

[PM to Trustbot: report Raistlin] [PM from Trustbot: There are 5 people out of 5 voters who TRUST raistlin]
[PM from Trustbot: There are 0 people out of 5 voters who DISTRUST raistlin]
[PM from Trustbot: raistlin has not had enough feedback for a trust rank yet.]

[PM to Trustbot: report Morath]
[PM from Trustbot: There are 2 people out of 31 voters who TRUST morath]
[PM from Trustbot: There are 29 people out of 31 voters who DISTRUST morath]
[PM from Trustbot: This gives morath an overall trust rank of: Outlaw (0-9%).]