Blue Dragon

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See also: Dragon


This monster ignores Monster Magnetism Perk and Cloak! It has 100 Point Defense and natural defense to arrows.

Attack/Defense: 180/180
Health Points: 9000
Mana Points: 0
Ignore level: none
Summonable: No
Smite Power: 65 damage to summons on a 9 x 9 square !
Area Damage: 5200 damage / 5 sec
Achievement: Very High


Blue Dragon (picture from Official Game Art)


Irilion (C2)
Irinveron 25px.png Blue Dragon Cave
Pr0 Instance
WTF???111?! Instance


Normal Drops
Gold Coins.png 0-7000 Gold coins
Blue Dragon Scale.png 1 Blue Dragon Scale
Point Defense.png 0-110 Point Defense
Rare Drops
Enriched Fire Essence.png 1 Enriched Fire Essence Enriched Life Essence.png 1 Enriched Life Essence
Rostogol Stone.png 1 Rostogol Stone Serpent Stone.png 1 Serpent Stone
Sheet.png 1 Book of Accuracy Red Book.png 1 Book of Poison Antidote
Titanium Long Sword.png 1 Titanium Long Sword

(Latest Dates & Notes)