Red Dragon

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See also: Dragon


This monster ignores Monster Magnetism Perk and Cloak!

Attack/Defense: 150/150
Health Points: 3500
Mana Points: 0
Ignore level: None
Summonable: Instant
Respawn Time: Random
Achievement: Very High


Red Dragon (picture from Official Game Art)


Irilion (C2)
North Redmoon 25px.png Volcano
South Redmoon 25px.png Red Dragon Path
Almost Pr0 Instance


Normal Drops
Gold Coins.png 0-1000 Gold coins
Red Dragon Scale.png 1 Red Dragon Scale
Rare Drops
Enriched Fire Essence.png 1 Enriched Fire Essence Enriched Life Essence.png 1 Enriched Life Essence
Rostogol Stone.png 1 Rostogol Stone Serpent Stone.png 1 Serpent Stone
Sheet.png 1 Book of Accuracy Red Book.png 1 Book of Poison Antidote
Titanium Long Sword.png 1 Titanium Long Sword

(Latest Dates & Notes)



Summoning information

Recommended Summoning level: 80
Base Summoning experience given: 12,000
Required tools:

  • None

Knowledge required:

Required nexus:

Mana subtracted: 85
Note: Summons 2 Red dragons at a time.