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No need to be AFK to look them up...
- See also: Acronyms by Category
A to F
- AA = Aeth Aelfan
- AC or Acw = Arctic Chimeran Wolf
- AE = Air Essence
- ACP = Action Points
- AP = Potion of Archery AP
- afaik = As far as I know !
- afc = Away from computer !
- afk = Away from keyboard !
- Anti = Poison Antidote
- Anti = Antisocial Perk
- astro = Astrology
- bbl = (I will) be back later !
- BB = Big Belly Perk
- BD = Black Dragon
- BDA = Black Dragon Armor
- beam = #beam me destination by the fire pit on Isla Prima
- BH = Battle Hall in Morcraven Marsh
- BL = Blue Lupine
- BLD = Blue Dragon
- BoD = Bone of Death
- BP = Body Piercing (as in Body Piercing Cloak or Body Piercing Perk)
- BQ = Blue Quartz
- BR = Potion of Body Restoration
- brb = Be right back ! or Bathroom break !
- brick = Rostogol Stone
- BroD = Branch of Destruction
- bsf = Blue Star Flower
- C1 = Continent 1 (Seridia)
- C2 = Continent 2 (Irillion)
- CDR = Continental DRift (Intercontinental Teleport to Portals Room Spell)
- ch3 = Market Channel
- Casti = Castellan
- CF = Creature food
- CoL = Crown of Life
- CoM = Crown of Mana
- COTU or CotU = Cape of The Unbreakable
- cya = See you (some other time) !
- DB = Death Bag
- DP = Desert Pines
- EaE = Earth Essence
- EDE = Enriched Death Essence
- EEE or E3 = Enriched Energy Essence
- EFE = Enriched Fire Essence
- ELE = Enriched Life Essence
- EME = Enriched Magic Essence
- EMP = Potion of Extra Mana
- EMU = Energy Matter Unit, which is the weight system in Eternal Lands.
- EnE = Energy Essence
- EP = Egratia Point
- ER = Ethereal Ranger Perk
- ESM = Enhanced Sun Medallion
- EV = Emerald Valley Trade Route
- EVTR = Emerald Valley Trade Route
- EW = Eagle Wing
- EWE = Enriched Water Essence
- FC or Fcw = Forest Chimeran Wolf
- FE = Fire Essence
- FF = Friendly or Fair Fight ***
- FP = Potion of Feasting
- FR = Fast Regeneration (as in Fast Regeneration Perk or Fast Regeneration Cape)
- FT = Frost Troll
- ftw = For the win !
G to L
- gc = Gold Coins
- gc ea = Gold Coins each
- GHP = Potion of Great Healing
- gl = Good luck !
- Glac = Glacmor
- grats or grz = Congratulations !
- GS = Great Swords
- GSM = Golden Star Mace
- GP = Grubani Peninsula
- HB = Hydrogenium Bar
- hb = Hurry back !
- HE = Health Essence
- hf = Have fun !
- HH = Happy Harvesting Hour
- Hydro = Hydrogenium Ore
- ID or Icy = Ice Dragon
- IDA = Ice Dragon Armor
- Ida = Idaloran
- II or Imbro = Imbroglio Islands
- iirc = If I recall correctly..
- imps = impatiens (when not referring to the imp creature)
- IotF - Isle of the Forgotten
- IP = Isla Prima
- Irin = Irinveron
- Isc = Iscalrith
- JS = Jagged Saber
- KF = Kilaran Field
- KJ or Kus - Kusamura Jungle
- LE = Life Essence
- Lenny = Leonard (the intelligent leopard that stalks Irilion at night).
- Lego or Lorc = Legionnaire Orc
- lmao - Laughing my ass/arse off !
- lol = Laughing out loud !
- lupes or lupies = Blue Lupine
M to R
- M&P = Mortar & Pestle
- MB = Mare_Bulangiu
- mana = Ethereal Points
- MgE = Magic Essence
- ME = Matter Essence
- MC or Mcw = Mountain Chimeran Wolf
- MM = Morcraven Marsh
- MM = Monster Magnetism Perk or Monster Magnetism Cloak
- MoL = Medallion of Life
- MoP = Mixture of Power
- mums = Chrysanthemum
- Naspa = Nasparliu
- NC = Nordcarn
- NK (official) or NL = Naralik
- NMT = No More Tears, as in the No More Tears Perk or No More Tears Cape
- np = No problem !
- NRM = North Redmoon
- NMD Ex or NEX = Nightshade-Mullein-Dandelion Extract
- NMW = Cape of No More Warlock
- OA = Overall level
- omw = (I am ) on my way !
- ofc = Of course !
- OS = Orc Slayer
- pc on = price check on
- PHP Ex or PEX = Poison Ivy-Henbane-Poppies Extract
- PK = player killing
- PL = Portland
- PoF = Potion of Feasting
- poke = to nudge someone
- PP = Pickpoint(s)
- PS = Powersaving (as in Powersaving Cloak or Powersaving Perk)
- PV = Palon Vertas
- PvP = player vs. player **
- PyrnEx = All Extracts required for Refined Vegetal Mixture
- R2 = Radioactive Rapier
- R1 = Radioactive Titanium Long Sword
- RD = Red Dragon
- RDA = Red Dragon Armor
- RD+LM or RDHoLaM = Red Dragon Helm of Life and Mana
- RR = Red Rose
- rofl = Rolling on the floor laughing !
- roflmao = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass/arse off !
- RoP = Ring of Power
- RoT = Ruins of Tirnym
- RQ = Rose Quartz
- rsd = Red Snapdragons ("Snaps" is more common)
- RVM or Ref Veg = Refined Vegetal Mixture
- RBR Ex or REX = Red Currents-Blue Berries-Rue Extract
S to Z
- S2e = Steel Two Edged Sword
- saps = Sapphire
- SB = Sunbreaker
- SE = Spirit Essence
- Sedi = Sedicolis
- Serp = Titanium Serpent Sword
- to serp = taking over a spawn by force
- SKF = Southern Kilaran Field
- snaps = Red Snapdragons
- SoM = Staff of the Mage
- SoP = Staff of Protection
- SR = Potion of Spirit Restoration
- SRM =South Redmoon
- sto = Storage
- suns = Sunflower
- TD = Tahraji Desert
- TG = Tarsengaard
- Ti or Tit = Titanium
- Toadies or Toads = Toadstool
- TP = Tirnym Past
- Trice = Cockatrice
- TS = True Sight (as in True Sight Spell or True Sight Potion)
- ttr or t2r = Teleport to Range Spell
- ttyl = Talk to you later !
- ty or thx = Thank you !
- UW = Underworld
- VotD or VD = Valley of the Dwarves
- wal = White Asiatic Lilly
- WE = Water Essence
- w/c = wrong channel !
- WH = Wilhelm Hood Perk
- WRF = White Rabbit Fur
- WS = White Stone
- WSC = White Stone City
- WTF = White Tiger Fur
- WTF = what the f...?!? - or Dungeon Instance
- WW = Wormwood
- W3Ex = All Extracts required for Mixture of Power
- XBow = Crossbow
- yw = You're welcome !
- YWT Ex or YEX = Yarrow-Wormwood-Tulip Extract
- Zira = Zirakinbar
- ** Not to be confused with PK. PvP is an agreed training fight for the purpose of experience and with no intention of killing your opponent.
- *** A fair fight is usually a fight to the death but with no use of Branch of Destruction or Bone of Death, and the return of the death bag to the defeated party.